November 11, 2011 

Just had to write something on this special day! They say this day is suppose to turn the tide and give prosperity and happiness to all people. I want to believe that.
I've currently been working on the details of my first CD project. How I want it to look, which songs I want, etc. I may be asking for your opinions from time to time so be watching my posts and tweets!

Love, Peace, and Happiness!

Olivia Lynn

October, 2011 

The months go by so quickly. It's already Fall! My favorite season, though it only means Winter is coming. Minnesota was so unkind last season with all the cold and snow. I hope for a more mild Winter. I've heard it's not going to be. Just my luck...
So, I'm back on my day job full time. Once I can get my bills chopped down I hope to get another digital camera and get some nice pics of myself and post them on my websites.

As I said before, I have decided to start my career off with a two song CD instead…Read more

September, 2011 

Hey all! Well, I have changed my mind about my goals. I'm thinking since it'll take some time to try to make an 8 song CD off the bat, I'm going to cut it down to a 2 song CD. That way, I won't have to raise as much money for a project and I can start my career sooner. Get my foot in the door, so to speak. Romantic Twilight will be on there for sure. I'm debating about the second song. I'll let you all know when I come up with more.
As soon as I can get back on my feet financially, I hope to make some more…Read more

August, 2011: My writing side job, a possible Fan Funding Campaign?? 

As Summer winds down, I wish I could've worked more on this project. My day job works me less in the Summer so I don't have the money to do what I want. My instruments are "in jail" AKA the pawn shop. Its really frustrating when you want to do something and don't have the means to do it with.

In the meantime, I'm keeping up with people on Twitter and Facebook and checking the news in the music industry online when I'm at work or at the library since I don't have a computer at home.

I would like to…Read more

July, 2011:being an indie musician, accepting donations 

Dear friends,
There seems to be a steady stream of fans and friends visiting this page. I'm so happy about that! I do wish the numbers were higher, but when I have more to offer, I'm sure they will!
In the meantime, I've been surfing the net looking for resources for indie musicians. You seem to be able to do so much on your own these days. You don't have to sign up with a major label. In fact, I hear big labels want you start out on your own and build a following so when they look to sign you, they'll…Read more

June, 2011: perseverance 

My the time flies so quickly...Starting a music career seems to be a lot harder than I thought. Working on my own, I have to constantly put myself out there for the world to see. If I don't do it, it just won't get  done, and then I miss out on potenial fans and eventually customers. With my personal life keeping me busy, sometimes I work late into the night just so I have some quiet time to get  things done. Yes, I lose sleep, but when I see the end result, I know it will be well worth it!!!

Overwhelmed, but thankful! 

Oh my gosh! Since I started this website I've had  86 visits to date! They came from across the United States and abroad! I have gotten nothing but great responses from people about my music. I can't tell you how much that means to me! It just affirms the feeling that this is what I want to do with my life. I can't wait to put some more songs up. I got my keyboard and camcorder for now so I hope to put one up soon! thanks to all who've supported me this far. There's great things to come!

Still one more song to add! 

I was able to get my video for my song "Romantic Twilight" on here now. I still have a song called "Realize" that you can listen to on my Facebook and Myspace pages. Just click on the buttons on this site for whichever one you want to visit. Realize is a more upbeat song that I composed on the keyboard a few years back. I hope to add to this age soon!

a work in progress 

I'm still putting the finishing touches on this site- seeing the style of page I like and figure out what content I want on here. I'm so happy I finally GOT MY OWN SITE!!!!!!!

An Introduction 

This opportunity has been a long time coming. Since I was 13 years old, I knew that I wanted to earn a living as a musician. Raising a family had set my dreams back some years. I had to get a real job and make money to take care of them. Now the kids are older and I can focus more on realizing my dreams. I got my websites up and getting my songs out here to the public, to help me gain momentum. I have big plans in the future, and I'd be so happy to have you here with me along the way!