I Made A Big Decision

I know when I first released my song, Jammin', I made it a paid download. I was hoping to be able to earn some money to fund my website expenses instead of coming out of pocket for it every month like I have been. 

Well, no one bought it. 

I was really bummed about it, too, but I tried not to let it bother me. I mean, I am brand new to the music scene, somewhat. 

Anyways, I was watching a livestream of a woman who works with music artists and she stressed the need to give music away for free if you're just getting started or wanting to build your fanbase. I was thinking about what she said and applied it to my own situation. As I'm just getting started, I realized it would be better to give my song away for free instead of having people pay for it as I am a new artist. 

So, here is what I decided…

To get my song, Jammin', all people need to do is give their email address so I know where to send it. When they enter their email, They'll also be signing up for my email list, though people can choose to unsubscribe at any time. 

So, that's it for now. 

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